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Th9 De Base With Bomb Tower Clash or Clans Funny

For the Clan Capital counterpart, see Bomb Tower/Clan Capital.

Bomb Tower9.png

"Bomb Towers bombard nearby ground troops and go up in a big BOOM when destroyed! Melee units best stand clear!"

Bomb Tower1.png Bomb Tower2.png Bomb Tower3.png Bomb Tower4.png Bomb Tower5.png
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5


  • The Bomb Tower is a Defensive Building, unlocked at Town Hall level 8, that throws bombs at ground troops, dealing splash damage similarly to the Wizard Tower. However, unlike the Wizard Tower, it cannot attack air units.
  • When its health is reduced to zero, the bomb underneath the tower will be primed, and will explode 1 second afterwards, dealing splash damage to all ground units within 2.75 tiles of it, similar to a Giant Bomb.



  • Place it where hordes of ground troops are to be expected. You can protect Air Defenses with a Bomb Tower; the two defenses complement each other, as they cover each other's weaknesses; the Bomb Tower can deal with ground troops while the Air Defense deals with air troops.
  • It can be also used in place of the Wizard Tower to complement a Mortar if Wizard Towers are needed elsewhere in the base. Again, it is capable of covering most of the Mortar's blind spot, but only if they are placed next to each other.
  • Due to the one second delay before the death bomb goes off, it's best to place it in an area where troops would be likely to stay for a while.
  • It is best used as a core building where the bulk of troops will go. Since its bomb only goes off when it dies, it will die with all the troops in the core. Most strategies try to funnel troops into the core and defeat the base from there.
  • Bomb Towers are quintessential against Witch-based armies. Starting from level 2, they can one-shot Skeletons, and having a very quick attacking speed combined with a large splash means they can hold off the Skeletons for an extremely long time. Once they get overwhelmed (either by having extremely large amounts of Skeletons or being attacked by Witches) their bomb can destroy the Skeletons and damage the Witches.
  • You could potentially defeat ranged troops with the Bomb Tower by exposing them into a Tornado Trap. The Tornado Trap could pull them closer to the Bomb Tower, in range of the death damage, while also dealing damage to them faster. This is quite crippling to hordes of Wizards and Bowlers.
  • Bomb Towers, when upgraded to max level, can serve as a deterrent to Blizzard (Super Wizards in a Battle Blimp) attacks, as their damage when destroyed will instantly kill Super Wizards should they land on the Bomb Tower. Placing them where one thinks a Blizzard will be strongest can prevent effective value from such attacks.
    • If the Bomb Tower is not max level, the death damage will still be able to severely damage the Super Wizards if they are caught in it, though some extra damage from traps (such as a Bomb) will be needed to finish them off. However, note that level 6 or lower Bomb Towers may be instantly destroyed by the Blimp's own death damage, triggering its death damage prematurely.


  • Air troops are totally immune to the Bomb Tower. All air strategies will almost be unaffected by the Bomb Tower.
    • As the Bomb Tower is a defensive building, it will still be capable of funneling Balloons and Lava Hounds (assuming there are no Air Defenses remaining), and can possibly make them move away from your desired target, or into traps.
  • If the Bomb Tower of an enemy's base is exposed, a small number of troops can be used to take it out (due to its low hitpoints). This will reduce the amount of damage inflicted to your overall army as a result of its damage and explosion.
    • One single Balloon or Minion is enough to take it out, due to its inability to target air troops. However, be mindful of nearby defenses that could target air troops, as well as Air Bombs.
  • To avoid having the majority of your attacking force being caught within the radius of its resulting explosion, consider deploying a tank unit (Giant or Golem) to soak up the damage. Avoid using melee units (such as Barbarians) in tandem with the tank units, as they will likely be damaged by the tower too.
  • When using ranged troops such as Archers or Wizards, make sure that you spread them out so that not all of them take damage from its attacks.
  • Be on a look-out for empty 4x2 spaces near Bomb Towers. It may indicate the presence of double Giant Bombs, which, combined with the Bomb Tower's explosion, will wreak havoc on hog-based armies.
  • If you haven't used the Barbarian King's Iron Fist yet, never use it when the Barbarian King is engaging a Bomb Tower, unless you desperately need to regain health. The Bomb Tower's death damage will wipe out most, if not all, of the summoned Barbarians, once the King has destroyed the tower.
  • Miners do not burrow fast enough to avoid the death damage of the Bomb Tower. So, whenever you attack with Miners, either destroy the Bomb Tower beforehand or place a Healing Spell to offset the damage caused after death.
  • The Grand Warden's range is long enough that he can snipe a Bomb Tower without exposing himself into damage from it.
  • Freeze Spells cannot prevent nor delay the Bomb Tower's death damage from happening, so do not bother to save your troops from its death damage by casting a Freeze spell on it. Invisibility Spells cannot save your troops from the death damage either.

Upgrade Differences

  • The Bomb Tower undergoes significant visual changes at all levels except level 2 and 6.
    • When initially constructed, the Bomb Tower appears as a wooden platform supported by a wooden lattice. The pillars are all reinforced with a dark gray spiked metal base, as well as wooden guards with iron spikes protecting each base, in addition to golden chains on each pillar. The wooden platform is guarded on all sides with battlements, and there are four bombs resembling that of the level 1 and 2 Bomb on top of the tower. There is also a large bomb, resembling that of the level 1 and 2 Bomb, placed underneath the tower.
    • At level 2, the wooden guards gain a steel plating on their perimeters. In addition to that, the walls of the battlements atop the tower are made of stone, but still retain their wooden corners.
    • At level 3, the Bomb Tower gains a major overhaul. The corner guards are now made entirely of metal. The battlements have expanded, now covering the entirety of the platform, and are now made of dark gray metal with marble corners braced with brass plating. The gaps between the corner guards are now filled with skulls completing the perimeter. All the bombs on and under the tower are now golden, resembling those used by the level 5 Wall Breaker and level 5-6 Balloon. The black color theme and the skulls indicate that this level is unlocked at Town Hall level 9.
    • At level 4, the spikes on the corner guards are now golden, and now are more numerous than the ones found on the level 3 Bomb Tower. In addition to that, the battlements are now red, with golden linings. The bombs used all resemble the level 5 and 6 Bomb. The red color theme and the lava at the bottom indicate that this level is unlocked at Town Hall level 10.
    • At level 5, the corner guards are now golden with large golden spikes. The battlements are now white with golden linings, and the lava at the bottom becomes yellow, which indicate that this level is unlocked at Town Hall level 11.
    • At level 6, the battlements become even larger, and a large golden guard is placed around the top of the structure.
    • At level 7, the Bomb Tower's color scheme changes; the corner guards on the base become metallic gray with bolts replacing the spikes, and the guard is now blue and gray; the chains on the guard are absent, but the spikes become larger. The corners of the top of the tower are now cream-colored and golden strips connect these. The bombs have a new color scheme, now being encased in red-colored linings with red spikes with metal bumps.
    • At level 8, the bottom guards change to a dark turquoise color with 2 metal plates with small snowy blue spikes on them. The pillars and the platform's sides are now colored snowy blue. The whole tower is slightly taller. On each corner of the railings there are yellow colored reinforcers. The platform is a normal turquoise and the bombs are removed.
    • At level 9, the bottom guards lose their spikes and change to black reinforcements with 2 golden grooves on them. The pillars, and the top of the Bomb tower's platform turn emerald-green. The side of the platform is decorated with a golden meander pattern, with golden spikes at the edges of the building. The space on top of the building appears to expand slightly, and black, stone reinforcements are added at the corners of the tower, making it appear more castle-like. The tops of the corners are topped with golden slabs. The glow from below the bomb tower glows brighter, and the bomb gains golden armour around it, similar to a level 7-8 bomb.
  • The unit in the Bomb Tower appears to be a Bomber, despite the Bomber being a Builder Base exclusive troop (and the Bomb Tower being added before the Builder Base was added). The Bomber's appearance changes with level of the Bomb Tower.
    • At level 1, the Bomber appears to resemble that of a level 1-4 Bomber from the Builder Base.
    • At level 3, the Bomber resembles a level 5-8 Bomber.
    • At level 4, the Bomber resembles a level 11-12 Bomber.


February 21, 2013 DarkMetronaJ suggested adding the Bomb Tower.
January 4, 2016 The Bomb Tower first appeared in Clash Royale.
Patch Description
October 6, 2016 Announced the Bomb Tower, with 5 levels.Bomb Tower1.png Bomb Tower2.png Bomb Tower3.png Bomb Tower4.png Bomb Tower5.png
October 12, 2016 Added the Bomb Tower.
October 13, 2016 Fixed an issue with Bomb Tower pack.
June 27, 2017 Changed the design of the Bomb Tower by changing the Bomber on top into a Bomber from the Builder Base. Prior to this update, the Bomber on top of the tower resembled a Wall Breaker with goggles.
October 11, 2017 Added the level 6 Bomb Tower.Bomb Tower6.png
June 11, 2018
  • Added the level 7 Bomb Tower.Bomb Tower7.png
  • Increased damage at levels 5 and 6.
    • Level 5: 44 -> 46 Damage
    • Level 6: 48 -> 52 Damage
June 26, 2018
  • Reduced build time at levels 1-6.
    • Level 1: 4d -> 2d 12h Time
    • Level 2: 6d -> 4d Time
    • Level 3: 8d -> 6d Time
    • Level 4: 10d -> 7d Time
    • Level 5: 14d -> 9d Time
    • Level 6: 14d -> 10d Time
April 2, 2019
  • Reduced build time at levels 1-5.
    • Level 1: 2d 12h -> 1d Time
    • Level 2: 4d -> 2d Time
    • Level 3: 6d -> 3d Time
    • Level 4: 7d -> 6d Time
    • Level 5: 9d -> 8d Time
  • Reduced build cost at levels 1-6.
    • Level 1: 2,000,000 -> 1,500,000 Gold
    • Level 2: 3,500,000 -> 2,000,000 Gold
    • Level 3: 5,000,000 -> 3,500,000 Gold
    • Level 4: 7,000,000 -> 5,000,000 Gold
    • Level 5: 9,000,000 -> 7,000,000 Gold
    • Level 6: 10,000,000 -> 9,000,000 Gold
February 28, 2020
  • Increased hitpoints at levels 5-7.
    • Level 5: 1,000 -> 1,050 Hitpoints
    • Level 6: 1,200 -> 1,300 Hitpoints
    • Level 7: 1,400 -> 1,600 Hitpoints
  • Increased DPS at levels 5-7.
    • Level 5: 46 -> 48 Damage
    • Level 6: 52 -> 56 Damage
    • Leve; 7: 60 -> 64 Damage
  • Increased death damage at levels 6-7.
    • Level 6: 340 -> 350 Death Damage
    • Level 7: 380 -> 400 Death Damage
March 30, 2020 Added the level 8 Bomb Tower.Bomb Tower8.png
April 12, 2021
  • Added the level 9 Bomb Tower.Bomb Tower9.png
  • Reduced build time at levels 2-6.
    • Level 2: 2d -> 1d 12h Time
    • Level 3: 3d -> 2d Time
    • Level 4: 6d -> 4d Time
    • Level 5: 8d -> 6d Time
    • Level 6: 10d -> 9d Time
  • Reduced build cost at levels 1-6 Bomb Tower.
    • Level 1: 1,500,000 -> 1,000,000 Gold
    • Level 2: 2,000,000 -> 1,500,000 Gold
    • Level 3: 3,500,000 -> 2,500,000 Gold
    • Level 4: 5,000,000 -> 4,000,000 Gold
    • Level 5: 7,000,000 -> 6,000,000 Gold
    • Level 6: 9,000,000 -> 8,000,000 Gold
December 9, 2021 Reduced upgrade costs at levels 1-8.


  • The Skeleton atop the Bomb Tower is confirmed to be a Bomber, as stated by its description in Clash Royale.
  • You can able to see lava under the level 4 Bomb Tower.
  • The bombs at level 7 Bomb Tower doesn't resemble one of the Bomb's levels.
  • Both the level 9 Bomb Tower and the level 13 Wizard Tower have the exact same damage, being 84.


  • The Bomb Tower is the only building in the Home Village that originated from Clash Royale.
    • It is also one of the several buildings, along with the Cannon, Mortar, Hidden Tesla, X-Bow, Inferno Tower, and Elixir Collector, that appear in Clash Royale.
  • The Bomb Tower is the only defense that does not make distinct sound effects when editing the village, as it uses the Mortar's sound effect when tapped and placed. The Eagle Artillery, while using the Cannon's sound effect when tapped, has its own unique sound effect when placed.
  • With a range of 6 tiles, it is the defensive building with the shortest range in the Home Village.
  • The Bomb Tower, Mortar and the Town Hall are the only buildings to have a skull at TH9 theme.
  • The Bomb Tower, along with the Archer Tower and the Wizard Tower are the only defenses in Home Village to have troops on the top of it.
  • Along with the Cannon, Town Hall, and Builder's Hut, the Bomb Tower is one of the four buildings at TH14 level to have a golden meander pattern.

Icon Descriptions

Icon Info.png Tapping this icon displays information about the Bomb Tower, such as Level, Damage Per Second, Hitpoints, Range, Damage Type and Targets.
Icon Upgrade.png Tapping this icon begins upgrading the Bomb Tower to the next level, if you have enough resources and a free Builder. When the Bomb Tower is at maximum level, this icon is not shown.
Icon HoB.png Tapping this icon instantly upgrades the Bomb Tower to the next level, at the cost of one Hammer of Building if you have one. When the Bomb Tower is at maximum level, or if the Town Hall requirements for the next level are not met, this icon is not shown.
Icon FinishNow.png Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of the displayed number of Gems.
Icon FinishNowBoB.png Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of one Book of Building. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Book of Building.
Icon FinishNowBoE.png Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of one Book of Everything. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Book of Everything but do not have a Book of Building.
Icon BuilderPotion.png Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, boosts all your Builders for 1 hour by a factor of ten, at the cost of one Builder Potion. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Builder Potion.
Icon Cancel.png Tapping this icon, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, cancels the current upgrade and refunds half of the upgrade cost.
Town Hall Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Number Available 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
Size Size
Damage per Second
Damage per Shot
Damage when destroyed
Death Damage
Build Time
Experience Gained
Town Hall Level Required
Town Hall
1 24 26.4 150 650 800,000 1d 293 8
2 28 30.8 180 700 1,200,000 1d 12h 360 8
3 32 35.2 220 750 1,800,000 2d 415 9
4 40 44 260 850 3,000,000 4d 587 10
5 48 52.8 300 1,050 5,000,000 6d 720 11
6 56 61.6 350 1,300 7,000,000 9d 881 11
7 64 70.4 400 1,600 10,000,000 14d 1,099 12
8 72 79.2 450 1,900 14,000,000 16d 1,175 13
9 84 92.4 500 2,300 18,500,000 18d 1,247 14
Range Attack Speed Damage Type Unit Type Targeted
6 tiles 1.1s Splash - 1.5 tiles Ground
Home Village Buildings
Defensive Buildings Cannon • Archer Tower • Mortar • Air Defense • Wizard Tower • Air Sweeper • Hidden Tesla • Bomb Tower • X-Bow • Inferno Tower • Eagle Artillery • Scattershot • Builder's Hut • Giga Tesla • Giga Inferno (Town Hall 13) • Giga Inferno (Town Hall 14) • Wall

Traps: Bomb • Spring Trap • Air Bomb • Giant Bomb • Seeking Air Mine • Skeleton Trap • Tornado Trap

Resource Buildings Town Hall (Magic Items) • Gold Mine • Elixir Collector • Dark Elixir Drill • Gold Storage • Elixir Storage • Dark Elixir Storage • Clan Castle (Treasury)
Army Buildings Army Camp • Barracks • Dark Barracks • Laboratory • Spell Factory • Dark Spell Factory • Workshop • Barbarian King Altar • Archer Queen Altar • Grand Warden Altar • Royal Champion Altar • Pet House
Other Buildings Boat • Airship • Forge • Decorations • Obstacles • Loot Cart • Strongman's Caravan • Super Sauna • Builder's Hut • Master Builder's Hut
For the Home Village counterpart, see Bomb Tower/Home Village.


Bomb Tower5C.png

"Bomb Towers bombard nearby ground troops and go up in a big BOOM when destroyed! Melee units best stand clear!"

Bomb Tower Ruin.png Bomb Tower1C.png Bomb Tower2C.png Bomb Tower3C.png Bomb Tower4C.png Bomb Tower5C.png
Ruin Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5


  • Bomb Towers are a defense unlocked at Capital Hall level 2.


Defensive Strategy

Offensive Strategy

Upgrade Differences

  • Bomb Towers undergo significant visual changes at levels 2, 4, and 5.
    • When initially rebuilt, the Bomb Tower appears as a wooden platform supported by a wooden lattice. The pillars are all reinforced with a dark gray spiked metal base, as well as wooden guards with iron spikes protecting each base, in addition to golden chains on each pillar. The wooden platform is guarded on all sides with battlements, and there are four bombs at the peak of the tower and a large bomb, placed underneath the tower.
    • At level 2, the wooden guards gain a steel plating on their perimeters. In addition, the walls of the battlements atop the tower are made of stone, but still retain their wooden corners.
    • At level 3, both the four bombs and the large bomb at the top and bottom of the tower, respectively, seems to have enlarged. The wooden guards atop the tower are now encased with stone connecting the walls of the battlements. The base including the platform receives a bronze trim and plating with iron spikes.
    • At level 4, both the four bombs and the large bomb at the top and bottom of the tower receive gold as plating. The base of the tower is now reinforced with metal foundation against the ground and the spikes are replaced with gold. The walls atop the tower seems to have elevated and replaced with gold. The wooden borders seems to be replaced with stone as well to connect the reinforced stone guards before. Lastly, the spikes guarding the platform of the tower seems to have enlarged as well.
    • At level 5, the corners of the platform of the tower is now replaced with a much dominant color of gold and the entire wooden lattice that builds is now painted with red. The guards of the platform also receives a gold pattern that resembles a castle's wall. The base of the foundation is replaced with a gold symbol, instead of golden spikes.


Icon Descriptions

Capital Hall Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number Available 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Size Size
Number Available District Hall Level
1 2 3 4 5
Barbarian Camp 2 3 3 4 4
Wizard Valley 0 0 0 0 0
Balloon Lagoon 2 2 2 2 2
Builder's Workshop 0 0 0 0 0
Dragon Cliffs 2 3 3 3 3
Golem Quarry 0 0 0 0 0
Damage per Second
Damage per Shot
Damage when Destroyed
Death Damage
Build Cost
Capital Gold
Capital Hall Level Required
Capital Hall
District Hall Level Required
District Hall
1 65 71.5 300 2,000 4,500 2 1
2 80 88 350 2,250 9,000 3 2
3 95 104.5 400 2,500 18,000 5 3
4 110 121 450 2,750 30,000 7 4
5 125 137.5 500 3,000 50,000 9 5
Range Range Attack Speed Attack Speed Damage Type Damage Type Unit Type Targeted Favorite Target
5 1.1s Area Splash Ground
Clan Capital Buildings
Defensive Buildings Cannon • Spear Thrower • Air Defense • Capital Hall • Multi Cannon • Bomb Tower • Multi Mortar • Super Wizard Tower • Air Bombs • Rapid Rockets • Crusher • Hidden Mega Tesla • Giant Cannon • Rocket Artillery • Inferno Tower • Blast Bow • Super Giant Post • Raid Cart Post • Super Dragon Post • Wall

Traps: Mine • Mega Mine • Log Trap • Zap Trap

Army Buildings Army Camp • Spell Storage

Barracks: Super Barbarian Barracks • Sneaky Archer Barracks • Super Giant Barracks • Battle Ram Barracks • Minion Barracks • Super Wizard Barracks • Rocket Balloon Barracks • Skeleton Barrel Barracks • Flying Fortress Yard • Raid Cart Barracks • Super P.E.K.K.A Barracks • Hog Raider Barracks • Super Dragon Barracks • Mountain Golem Quarry
Spell Factories: Heal Spell Factory • Jump Spell Factory • Lightning Spell Factory • Frost Spell Factory • Rage Spell Factory

Other Buildings Capital Hall • District Hall • Airship • Decorations • Houses
