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Draw Line With Arrow in Gimp

Draw arrows with GIMP plugins

Sample arrows that you can create with GIMP plugins

If you want to create professionally-looking arrows with GIMP because you are tired of creating arrows that look like you drawn them drunk, then don't despair. I will show you three GIMP plugins for creating great-looking arrows:

  1. ArrowsCreator-0.4 is a Python plugin that supports 7 styles of arrows
  2. arrow.scm by B-Ranger is a script-fu plugin to "draw an arbitrary arrow into an image or a new layer"
  3. arrow.scm by programmer_ceds is a modified version of the previous script that allows you to draw curved arrows


Here are the steps to install the Python plugin ArrowsCreator-04:

  1. Download the zip file, and extract the two files and
  2. Copy the two Python files into the plugins folder which on macOS is located at


    For other platforms, check out this guide on how to install GIMP plugins, or you can also find out the location of the plugins folder by clicking onGIMP > Preferences, and then on the left panel, search forFolders > Plug-Ins.

  3. Start GIMP, and you should have an ArrowsCreator configuration window pop-up that allows you to re-name the newly installed extension that will now show up in the menu at Extensions > Plugins-Python > Tools.

Here are the steps to draw an arrow withArrowsCreator-04:

  1. Load an image, and choose the Paths Tool from the Toolbox window
    Test image

  2. Choose a foreground color. This will be the color of the arrow.

  3. Select the ArrowsCreator plugin from the menu atExtensions > Plugins-Python > Tools. A new window will open that will allow you to configure the arrow parameters such as the arrowing size, angle, and brush size.

  4. On the image, click anywhere where you want the arrow tail to be and then click again anywhere where you want the arrow head to be. Automatically, the arrow will be drawn on the image.

  5. If you modify the anchor points from step 4, click on Redraw the above arrow.

arrow.scm: draw straight arrows by B-Ranger

Here are the steps to install the plugin arrow.scm:

  1. Download the file arrow.scm
  2. Copy the file into the scripts folder which on macOS is located at


    For other platforms, check out this guide on how to install GIMP plugins, or you can also find out the location of the scripts folder by clicking onGIMP > Preferences, and then on the left panel, search for Folders > Scripts.

  3. Start GIMP, and the newly installed plugin should be accessed through Tools > Arrow...

Here are the steps to draw an arrow with the plugin arrow.scm:

  1. Load an image, and choose the Paths Tool from the Toolbox window
    Test image

  2. Choose a foreground color. This will be the color of the arrow.

  3. Select the arrow.scm plugin from the menu atTools > Arrow... A new window will open that will allow you to configure the arrow parameters such as the length of wings, angle between arrow and wing, and brush thickness.

  4. On the image, click anywhere where you want the arrow head to be and then click again anywhere where you want the arrow tail to be. When you are ready to draw the arrow, click on OK.
    NOTE: if you want to use the first anchor as the arrow tail like ArrowsCreator does, then uncheck the box beside "Use first path point as arrow head?" in the Script-fu: Arrow window.

arrow.scm: draw curved or straight arrows by programmer_ceds

This is a modified version of the previous script that allows you to draw curved arrows. Download this modified script from here.

To install it, follow the same steps for installing the previous script.

Also, follow the same steps for drawing arrows as the previous script, but now after placing the anchors for the head and tail of the arrow (see step 4), you can now bend the path by Clicking+Dragging the path:

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Draw Line With Arrow in Gimp
